
Newsletter Archive

SPECIAL NOTE: Due to the brevity of the first October UPDATE, it has been added to this interim update as a single web release.

October 27, 2004

Dear friends and supporters of CalUWild —

On October 15 the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to an environmentalist, Dr. Wangari Maathai of Kenya. She is the founder and coordinator of the Green Belt Movement, a program that encourages and facilitates women planting trees in areas needing reforestation. The women are paid a small sum for each tree that survives longer than a year, and this money is often the only money that the women have any control over, since many of the Kenyan tribes are extremely patriarchal.

Besides acting to empower women, GBM also took the lead in restoring democracy to Kenya during the dictatorship of the former president. She is now the country’s Deputy Minister for the environment.

While I was working for Resource Renewal Institute (CalUWild’s fiscal sponsor) I had the privilege of working with Wangari through GBM’s international arm, fundraising and arranging travel and speaking engagements for her. Unfortunately, we also frequently mounted letter-writing campaigns when she was beaten and arrested by the police in Nairobi.

One of the most important things I learned from working with Wangari is that if you want democracy, you have to work for it. That’s not always easy. The situation in the U.S. is quite different from Kenya, yet there are threats to democracy here as well. One threat is the belief that ordinary citizens can’t have an impact. This, unfortunately, can become a self-fulfilling prophecy: if you believe it, you won’t get involved, and uninvolved people are not heard by decisionmakers.

We do still have a voice; it’s up to us to use it. Write to your senators and representatives. Write to newspapers. Submit comments to the BLM and other agencies.

Most importantly, vote on November 2.

In some good news this month, the BLM announced it was calling a halt to a study that might have led to the approval of three energy projects along the Rocky Mountain Front in Montana. The Front is a very important scenic and wildlife area, where the Great Plains meet the Rocky Mountains. The BLM said it wants to undertake a more thorough review of the entire region’s resources, probably beginning in 1997. By then perhaps, a way may be found to protect the area permanently.

In some bad news, the State of Utah announced earlier this month that it plans to sue the Department of Interior over 10 rights of way in the San Rafael Swell that it claims under R.S. 2477. According to the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, at least two of the routes are in wilderness study areas. In May of this year, San Juan County filed suit to open Salt Creek in Canyonlands National Park, which the Park had closed after years of comments and lawsuits. These actions by the state are quite hypocritical, since the purpose of the memorandum of understanding that Utah signed with Interior Secretary Gale Norton last year was to make litigation unnecessary. Furthermore, one of Utah’s repetitive claims has been that it is conservationists who are always going to court to file suit. Yet the state is doing the same thing itself when it feels like it. We’ll keep you posted as things develop on R.S. 2477.

As you’ll see from the items below, there are several slide shows and films that you might find interesting. Please attend one or more if you’re able. If you know of events in your area that might be of interest, let us know and we’ll try to include them in our monthly UPDATE.

Again, many thanks to the CalUWild members who have renewed their memberships recently. A new batch of renewals will be going out soon to those with later renewal dates, so if you receive one, please help us out if you can.

Finally, as always, if you ever have questions, suggestions or other comments, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Send an e-mail to We are here to help you be effective advocates.


1. Price RMP Comment Period Extended
New DEADLINE: November 29, 2004

2. 40th Anniversary Slide Show in Berkeley
November 3, 2004

3. An Evening with Tim Palmer
November 12, 2004

4. Screenings of Monumental
A Film about David Brower
Berkeley: November 15, 2004
Palo Alto: December 2, 2004

5. Colorado River Management Plan
Open House in San Francisco
December 2, 2004

6. Lincoln County Wilderness Bill
Passes House & Senate
Final Action Still Needed

7. Friends of Nevada Wilderness 2005 Calendar
Passes House & Senate
Final Action Still Needed

8. Ojito Wilderness Bill Passes House

9. Roadless Rule Comments Still Needed
DEADLINE: November 15, 2004


Price RMP Comment Period Extended
New DEADLINE: November 29, 2004

As we announced in our very brief UPDATE two weeks ago, the deadline for the BLM’s Price Office Resource Management Plan has been extended to November 29. Please see the September UPDATE for talking points. You can find it on CalUWild’s web site at:

IN California
2. 40th Anniversary Slide Show in Berkeley
November 3, 2004, 7 p.m.

Wilderness advocates and lovers, grateful for this treasure in our lives, will get together to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act of 1964.

On November 3, at 7:00 p.m. in Berkeley there will be a slide show of Wilderness beauties and of the people and events leading up to that historic event. Come to learn about Wilderness in the U.S., share your enthusiasm and experiences, end enjoy refreshments. Presentation by Jack Robbins, former chair of the Sierra Club Bay Chapter’s Wilderness Subcommittee and renowned climber. Included will be photos by late CalUWild Advisory Board member Galen Rowell.

The location is:

1338 San Pablo Avenue (near Gilman Street)
Berkeley, CA

3. An Evening with Tim Palmer
November 12, 2004.

The following comes from the South Yuba River Citizens League:

The South Yuba River Citizens League presents an evening with award-winning author & photographer Tim Palmer. He will do a slide presentation and talk about his new book “California Wild .” Tickets are $5 at the door. All proceeds go to SYRCL.

Friday November 12
7pm at Camp Del Oro Lodge
Nevada City, CA

For more information: (530)265-5961 x202.

4. Screenings of “Monumental”
A Film about David Brower
Berkeley: November 15, 2004
Palo Alto: December 2, 2004

David Brower, a founding member of CalUWild’s Advisory Board, was one of the giants-some would say THE giant-of the conservation movement in the 20th century. He left behind an important legacy. Our friends and partners at the California Wilderness Coalition are hosting 2 free screenings of the film “Monumental” in the weeks ahead. We hope you’ll join them. Here is their invitation:

In honor of the 40th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act, the California Wilderness Coalition invites you to a free screening of Monumental: David Brower’s Fight for Wild America Showing in two Bay Area locations.

Presentation on the anniversary of the Wilderness Act and light refreshments provided at 7:00 p.m. Film begins at 7:30 p.m.

Showing in Berkeley Monday, November 15th Pacific Film Archive Theater, UC Berkeley Campus 2575 Bancroft Way at Bowditch Street.

Showing in Palo Alto Thursday, December 2nd at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto 505 East Charleston Road Seating is limited.

Seating is Limited. Please e-mail or call (510) 451-1450 to RSVP by November 8th for Berkeley screening, by November 22nd for Palo Alto screening.

5. In Arizona
Colorado River Management Plan for Grand Canyon National Park
Open House in San Francisco
December 2, 2004

Mark your calendars!

The National Park Service has released its Draft Colorado River Management Plan for Grand Canyon National Park. They will be holding open houses around the country (mostly in the West) in November and December and only one will be in California, in the Bay Area. The last meeting scheduled will take place in San Francisco at the Presidio on December 2. The complete schedule of open houses is below. Please tell your friends and family who might be interested in other areas of the country.

Important: You can submit your comments to the Park Service whether or not you attend one of the open houses, and we will cover the comment process next month.

CalUWild is working with other conservation and river-running organizations from around the country to develop simple talking points for comments, and we hope to have them ready for distribution soon. If you plan on attending one of the other meetings before the next UPDATE comes out, please send an e-mail to for more information on the plan.

All CRMP Public meetings will be held at the following cities from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.:

San Francisco, California
Thursday, December 2, 2004
The Presidio of San Francisco
Officers’ Club
50 Moraga Avenue
San Francisco, CA

Denver, Colorado
Monday, November 8, 2004
Arapahoe Community College Cafeteria
5900 S. Santa Fe Drive
Littleton, CO

Salt Lake City, Utah
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Salt Lake Community College-Miller Campus
Karen Gail Miller Conference Center
9750 South 300
West Sandy, UT

Arlington, Virginia
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel Ballroom
1700 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, VA

Las Vegas, Nevada
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Henderson Convention Center Ballroom and Sierra A & C
200 Water Street
Henderson, NV

Flagstaff, Arizona
Monday, November 22, 2004
Coconino Community College Administration Building –
Commons Area
2800 S. Lone Tree Rd.
Flagstaff, AZ

Phoenix, Arizona
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Glendale Community College
Student Lounge
6000 W. Olive Avenue
Glendale, AZ

6. In Nevada
Lincoln County Wilderness Bill Passes House & Senate
Final Action Still Needed

Earlier this month, the Lincoln County Conservation, Recreation and Development Act of 2004 passed both the House and the Senate, although in slightly different versions. Among other things, the bill designates 768,294 acres of wilderness in Lincoln County. The bill has been controversial, however, within the conservation community because it contains numerous other public lands provisions that are objectionable and have nothing to do with wilderness.

Among the provisions opposed by conservationists was the grant of a water pipeline right-of-way which would allow for interbasin water transfers from rural Nevada to Las Vegas.

The Nevada congressional delegation, led by Democratic Whip Sen. Harry Reid, has decided to take a county-by-county approach to public lands legislation in the state and has signaled that they will not entertain stand-alone wilderness bills. The Clark County bill that passed in 2002 was the first such. Wilderness advocates have thus been faced with a tough choice: whether to include their proposal with a bill that is far from perfect on other grounds, or forego wilderness protection at the present time.

The House version was passed on a voice vote, and it was amended on the floor to restore two areas in the Nevada citizens proposal that House Resources Committee chairman Richard Pombo had deleted previously. In addition, some land also deleted by Rep. Pombo was added to a wilderness study area. The final bill does contain the objectionable water right-of-way provisions.

Congress is in recess until after the election, so House action to reconcile the two versions will have to wait until the lame duck session.

7. In Nevada
Friends of Nevada Wilderness 2005 Calendar

The following comes from Friends of Nevada Wilderness:

The 2005 Wild Nevada calendar is now available. It showcases beautiful photographs of Nevada’s wild landscapes, interesting history and facts about the Silver State, while celebrating designated Wilderness around the state and bringing attention to wonderful wild places throughout Nevada that still deserve protection.

The 2005 calendar features wilderness areas designated in Clark County in 2002, areas that are likely to be designated in the Lincoln County Conservation, Recreation and Development Act of 2004, some of the “Jaksick parcels” approved for acquisition in Round 5 of the Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act, proposed wilderness in the Owyhee Canyonlands and many more!

And all proceeds benefit Nevada’s wild places!

The 2005 Wild Nevada Calendar makes a great holiday present. Get your holiday shopping out of the way before fall ends. Let the Wild Nevada 2005 calendar tell your friends, family, clients and coworkers what beautiful lands we have in Nevada. It’s an affordable gift that keeps giving all year long.

Order yours today!

Calendar prices (prices include tax):

1-4 Calendars $12 each
5-9 $11
10-24 $10
25-49 $9
50-99 $8
100 or more $7

Add 10% for shipping.

Order yours today! You can do so in the following ways:

1. Call (775) 324-7667 (or for more information)
2. Click here to order yours securely online:

Conservation Organizations: The 2005 Wild Nevada Calendar is great way to share your mission with others while raising funds for your organization. Call us to discuss the opportunities.

Retail merchants. If you operate a bookstore or gift shop, call us for wholesale pricing on quantity orders.

Order your 2005 Wild Nevada calendar today! Your wall will be lonely without it.

8. In New Mexico
Ojito Wilderness Bill Passes House

We reported in March that a New Mexico wilderness bill had been introduced.

The bill was considered with the Lincoln County, Nevada Bill discussed above in the House and was passed with it. It now awaits action in the Senate in the upcoming lame duck session.

The bill designates about 11,000 acres of land adjacent to the Zia Pueblo, 35 miles northwest of Albuquerque, and allows the pueblo to buy land separating the two parcels of land making up the pueblo. That land would, however, remain undeveloped and accessible to the public.

9. In General
Roadless Rule Comments Still Needed
DEADLINE: November 15, 2004

As we mentioned in our September UPDATE, the comment period for the Forest Service Roadless Rule was extended until November 15.

Please see the August UPDATE for talking points.

Comments are due November 15, 2004. Send them by mail, fax, or via e-mail.

Mail comments to:

Content Analysis Team
Attn: Roadless State Petitions
USDA Forest Service
P.O. Box 221090
Salt Lake City, UT 84122

Fax: 801-517-1014




Dear CalUWild members and supporters —

This is the shortest UPDATE we’ve ever published, with only one announcement.


1. Price RMP Comment Period Extended
New DEADLINE: November 29, 2004

The Utah BLM just announced that it has extended the comment period on the Price Resource Management Plan by 45 days. The new deadline is November 29, 2004. Please see the September UPDATE, Item 1, sent out September 26, for details on talking points and addresses.

You can find it on the Web at:

We’ll resume with a regular UPDATE later in the month.

Thanks for sending in comments, Mike