
Current Issues & Events

Click HERE for CalUWild’s November – Thanksgiving 2024 Update, our monthly newsletter. To sign up to receive the Update by email, click HERE.

America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act in Congress

CalUWild’s founding priority was protecting the wild lands of Utah. America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act in Congress would establish optimum protection there. Parts of the original bill have been enacted, and it establishes the standard against which all other bills and proposals must be measured. A detailed factsheet about the bill may be found on the website of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance HERE.

It is important that as many members of both the House and Senate become cosponsors of the bill. Please ask your reps and senators to sign on!

A list of California House and Senate cosponsors may be found HERE. A national listing may be found on SUWA’s website HERE.

Protect California’s Bodie Hills & Conglomerate Mesa

The Bodie Hills are a wild area just north of Mono Lake, home to wildlife, rare plants, and remarkable scenery, deserves permanent protection. CalUWild is a member of the Bodie Hills Conservation Partnership. Click HERE for more information.

Conglomerate Mesa, a wild area important to Indigenous Tribes, lies near Death Valley and is under threat from gold mining. CalUWild is also a member of Protect Conglomerate Mesa. Click HERE for more information.

CalUWild’s Mission

CalUWild is a citizens group founded to secure protection for the remaining wilderness areas and other public lands in the western United States. The organization works to encourage and facilitate direct citizen democracy through participation in administrative and legislative actions, creating a constituency in California for wilderness across the West.


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